
How to compile

First, download the source code file from download tap. Next, unzip the GAIT.tar.gz file and enter the GAIT folder in terminal.
And then type make. It can be compiled in Linux.

~$ cd GAIT
~/GAIT$ make
g++ -m64 -c -Wall -O2 GAIT.cpp -o GAIT.o
g++ -o GAIT -m64 main.o CenData.o Density.o WKM.o PHI.o OPT.o MyMath.o ExpData.o
student_t_distribution.o beta_distribution.o beta_function.o gamma_function.o
ln_beta_function.o ln_gamma_function.o GAIT.o

GAIT would be generated in GAIT folder. This GAIT file is execution file. We used student's t distribution for calculating p value from this web site.